Wilson WindowWare Inc has added a set of generic network functions and upgraded the Internet support in its WinBatch batch language, a take-off of the batch language long-term MS-DOS users are familiar with. WinBatch 96g is for writing programs to automate Windows NT, Windows95 and 16-bit Windows operations. The company has also added a new help system. Internet support comes in the form of WebBatch, which can be used to write batch files to automate NT/95 Web servers, simplify Common Gateway Interface scripting, and do a dozen other Internet-related tricks with NT and Windows95 without learning complicated languages. WinBatch can nonetheless do fancy things like late-binding, run-time variable substitution, and recursive execution. WebBatch is priced at $300, or included as part of a $1,000-per-server package composed of WinBatch and a compiler to create royalty- free executables. The Seattle-based company sells its software mainly from downloading via the Web site, which is at http://www.windowware.com