The Walnut Creek, California-based vendor has added some VoIP-specific Experts (the canned diagnoses designed to speed response to common problems), support for 64-bit Windows Server 2003, better statistical graphing, reporting and additional decodes to the new versions of the products (AiroPeek SE 3.1, NX 3.1 and VX 1.1; EtherPeek SE 7.1, NX 4.1 and VX 2.1).

It has also introduced the ability to limit captures to variable-length headers, which a spokesperson for the company said will add more granularity to the capture instruction. When doing captures before, you could ‘capture all,’ which would include the header (management details) and the payload (data), or specify how many bytes of data you wanted to capture, he said. Headers are of variable lengths, so you might guess wrong and miss the complete header. With this new ‘slice-to-header’ filter, it captures it all, regardless of length.

WildPackets has also launched a free version of its OmniPeek Analyzer, its multi-function portable probe. OmniPeek Personal is downloadable software that runs on any current Windows platform, with a website ( set up especially for the purpose. Describing the freebie as a powerful subset of the commercial product now available for individuals, the company said the rationale behind its launch is to give those who download it the chance to experience the power and extensibility of the commercial version.

Personal has both the wired and wireless analysis, with the same graphics and display as its commercial sibling, the Visual Expert and Packet Visualizer toolsets, app analysis and the Apdex scoring for end user satisfaction with the app delivery. Like Analyzer, there is an API and SDK to extend Personal’s functionality through custom plug-ins.