Drugs.com relaunches this week with a searchable database of over 24,000 prescription and OTC drug descriptions. The portal will gain immediate credibility through its choice of supply partners, including Micromedex, a member of the Thomson Healthcare Information publishing group, and Multum Information Services, Denver-based specialist in solutions for the growing problem of adverse drug events. Both are seasoned professionals in the field.
The all new Drugs.com site targets both healthcare professionals and consumers. Features include a patient Care Guide and a Drug Interactions search facility. But the portal’s most seductive feature is quite simply its name. Without the benefit of any promotion, the portal purveyors claim the site is already attracting thousands of consumers and healthcare professionals each day. Over 90% of visitors to date have simply typed ‘drugs’ or ‘drugs.com’, because it’s the obvious URL to try.
With such experience backing the site and its sticky name, it would appear that www.drugs.com is in for a lot of traffic.