The Computer Expo 93 Show, held in Warsaw last month, attracted nearly twice as many exhibitors as in 1992, with approximately half the space occupied by Western-based firms, and the remainder by dealers and genuine Polish companies. Project manager for organisers Biuro Reklamy SA, Slawomir Ptasinski said, We are observing a permanent process of transformation from the status of direct representation of Western companies, into representation via local subsidiaries, such as IBM Poland and Bull Poland. Last year, 373 firms from 11 countries took part. This year, the figure has doubled to 734. The show was held between January 26 and 29, and new attendants included Dell Computer Corp, 3M Co, Informix Corp, Sun Microsystems Inc and Wyse Technology Inc. Ptasinski said that all the major Western exhibitors that took part in 1992 were returning. However, while the fair may be a success in Poland, it has so far not managed to attain a more regional status – only two East European firms outside Poland are attending, both from the former Jugoslav republic of Slovenia.