The Portland, Oregon-based firm says it is the first Web analytics vendor to offer a comprehensive Marketing Performance Management (MPM) suite, which includes a pre-defined metrics framework for analyzing demand channels, goal-based performance dashboards and a first-of-its-kind enterprise marketing data warehouse to help businesses devise optimal online and direct marketing campaigns.

The enterprise marketing warehouse is unique in that it offers pre-built algorithms that are tuned for the segmentation and multidimensional analysis of unique visitor-level data and offline and online customer events.

According to industry research online marketing is the fastest growing advertising medium, with spend in this area is expected to top $55bn by 2010. However 85% of companies are still unhappy with their ability to measure their online marketing initiatives, citing a lack of lack of consistent metrics and an inability to connect to customers with relevant marketing messages.

WebTrends says its Marketing Lab overcomes the sticky problems of using siloed marketing tools that only provide aggregated analysis such as page views and visits by providing a fully integrated metrics and analytic framework (driven by WebTrends 8 platform) and pre-packaged suite offering.

The WebTrends Marketing Lab suite is available as a licensed software or hosted on-demand solution. It is expected to be released at the end of this month.