WebEx, a provider of collaboration applications delivered as a service, released its Connect software in September to help integrate data from multiple applications into a single collaborative workspace environment.

In effect Business Objects’ Cystalreports.com on-demand report sharing service offering will be exposed as another data source via Connect in WebEx collaborative workspaces.

Crystalreports.com for WebEx Connect is expected to ship in the first half of 2007.

WebEx officials said the move is designed to bring BI to Web connect users, by allowing them to easily access and collaborate over analytic business information directly within their WebEx applications. As part of the tie-up, WebEx also joins San Jose, California-based Business Objects’ Technology Partner Program.

The integration is another example of a so-called analytic mashup that pulls together multiple SaaS services. Crystalreports.com will also be available for any mash up that customers create in the WebEx Connect environment.

Business Objects also recently announced a mashboard initiative with Salesforce.com Inc to built analytic dashboards for Salesforce data.

The WebEx partnership also underscores a deeper push by Business Objects’ into the SaaS (or on-demand) BI space.

Joining forces with WebEx is yet another step Business Objects is making in its continued commitment to software as a service, said Steve Lucas, vice president of strategic markets at Business Objects.

Not one of our competitors can match our momentum in making BI available on demand.