Priced at $49 per month, MeetMeNow integrates data, voice and video, allowing users to launch online meetings from the desktop, windows system tray, Microsoft Outlook and Office, Yahoo, MSN messenger or AIM. WebEx will deliver these services on MediaTone network, a dedicated network designed for the delivery of on-demand applications.

MeetMeNow is capable of automatically finding and configuring user’s camera. It facilitates a meeting host to switch between any of the meeting participants’ video streams. The toolbar has been integrated with the Microsoft Office suite allowing users to launch a web meeting while working on a document, spread sheet or presentation.

On November 6, 2007, Appia Communications launched new high-definition video conferencing service that uses advanced technology and enables users to collaborate in real time with high definition video. In addition, on November 2, 2007, Skype collaborated with Logitech to launch video conferencing on Skype software without installing video-conferencing equipment.

Source: ComputerWire daily updates