The latest set of figures from PC Meter Company Media Metrix makes it look as though bosses are footing the bill for employee web use. The typical web user accessing the internet from home logs in 8.4 days per month, compared to 10.2 for those logging in from work. Office users also spend more time online, clocking up 35.4 minutes per day to their home-based cousins’ 25.3. Media Metrix also released its monthly ‘web property’ rankings, also broken down by access from home or work. Interestingly enough, AOL and Excite performed significantly better with home users than work users, while Netscape scored significantly worse – coming seventh at home, compared to third at work. AOL topped the popularity stakes for home users, suggesting that many who access the net through the online service leave its home page as their default. For information-hungry office-based users, the outright winner was Yahoo.