With a mission to save 10 million lives in 10 years, Connecticut-based tech start-up Wearsafe Labs has reached its $75,000 campaign goal on Kickstarter for its personal safety device Wearsafe Tag.

The Bluetooth based device can be clipped onto anything, and can be paired with any smartphone and connect to the wearer’s network of family and friends through the Wearsafe app.

If the wearer presses the tag then the device will connect to the paired smartphone located within 200ft.

Once connected it will send texts, emails and screen notifications that the wearer has sent as an alert.

Each alert will include streaming audio, updated GPS locations, and connects the network through a private chat so that they can send necessary help.

Contacts can also dial 911 directly from the app and share critical information.

According to Wearsafe Labs, the tag is rugged, water-resistant, and small enough not to be noticed, and is ideal for students, athletes, travellers and parents with small children.

Wearsafe Labs co-founder David Benoit said: "We’ve achieved our goal of $75,000, and that is incredible, but we have an even greater purpose to realise.

"For us, saving lives goes beyond those which would have been lost, to also include those which might otherwise be irreparably altered by a bad experience.

"With this new technology we have the ability to empower, connect and protect the people we love and help to keep each other safe."