A San Francisco based company has created a new wearable device Prana, that combines posture and breath tracking, and provide users with a unique look into their health and wellness.

The round shaped device needs to be clipped into the user’s waistband and can be connected to a Bluetooth enabled smartphone.

The device is capable of tracking diaphragmatic breathing, breath patterns, and simultaneously evaluates posture.

The companion app for iOS and Android provides passive tracking which sends a push alerts when it detects signs of stressed breathing or bad posture in the wearer.

It also has an active training mode which is capable of actively train breath.

Prana chief science officer Dr. Paul Abramson said: "We breathe differently in slumped versus upright postures, with significant improvements in forced expiratory volume while upright.

"The movement of the diaphragm is less restricted with good posture. Good breath and posture can provide many benefits, including reduced stress and less back pain."

"There is now much research backing the notion that specific breathing patterns can have specific physiological impacts, such as promoting calmness through the parasympathetic response, increasing alertness, improving heart rate variability, lowering blood pressure, interrupting acute anxiety episodes, and even helping with chronic pain"

The device has battery life of up to 7 days and the company will be shipping the device starting from January 2015.