Wang UK Ltd is claiming Systems Application Architecture support for a new range of products targeted at IBM users. Chief of these is Version 2.0 of Wang’s VS Access/3270 office automation and electronic mail software, designed for IBM mainframes with 3270 terminals. The product supports MVS, VM, and DOS/VSE operating systems, costs UKP3,800, and is available now. The company has also announced VS/Access APPC, its first API Applications Programmers Interface, designed to provide 3270 users with Wang VS-resident applications. By interfacing with the Systems Network Architecture LU6.2 protocol and Advanced Program-to-Program Communications, VS/Access APPC enables mainframe applications and resources to access VS resources. The product also provides VS Cobol or PL/I programs with reciprocal links to CICS programs on an IBM host. VS/Access is available now, and costs between UKP8,000 to UKP11,000. In the summer, Wang plans to introduce VS Snads, a second programmers interface designed to provide VS applications with access to an IBM Systems Network Architecture Distribution Service or SNADS network. Wang claims that with VS Snads, VS users will be able to transfer data written to SNADS specifications, and network a number of VS computers together. Still in the network environment, the company plans to make its network and systems management range compatible with IBM’s NetView. This will enable a VS computer to act as a information routing service point within an IBM network. According to Wang’s IBM integration product manager Alistair Lamb, the Brentford-based company is also planning to provide SNA products for Unix machines, mail gateways, and additional support for binary synchronous networks, as Systems Application Architecture evolves.