VXtreme Inc, Palo Alto, California, is switching its original strategy and launching itself this month as a next-generation Internet video technology company and not a traditional video conferencing vendor as expected (CI No 2,924). We’re not quite sure what the difference is. The firm says it’ll provide a free video viewer that will connect with the Netscape Navigator browser. It’s goal is to provide a line of consumer video products, but said corporate intranets will be its first focus because most consumers are still using 28.8 kbps data transmission speed whereas the number of businesses

with T-1 lines is rapidly increasing. VXtreme is promising to deliver video at 10 to 20 frames per second. Its corporate intranet server software will be ready by the end of the summer. VXtreme says it won’t ditch its video conferencing software technology entirely, but likely license it to other companies. Expect more product details from VXtreme this week.