Rumor has it that early next week the VRML Consortium will confirm a long-expected change in name and focus to the Web 3D Consortium (CI No 3,457). The next generation of the VRML specification, known as VRML-NG, is also said to be close to launch. The rumors accompany a flurry of activity in the 3D market. VR simulation company Perceptronics Inc has swung a deal with Skyline Software Systems Ltd to add Skyline’s Terra terrain visualization to Perceptronics’ InterGame collaborative 3D framework. At the same time, Perceptronics and Shout Interactive Inc have showed off an operational demo of InterGame. This software represents a milestone for its maker. Back in February, Perceptronics said it would use a $1m research grant to re- engineer its military and commercial software for the lucrative and expanding games market (CI No 3,342). Meanwhile in 3D sound, Aureal Semiconductor Inc boasts that Sony Corp has selected its Vortex chip with A3D audio technology for Sony’s forthcoming line of VAIO desktop computers. A3D is a method for generating positional 3D audio in a 360-degree space using headphones or two or more speakers. It must be compelling, because Activision Inc has also adopted A3D for three of its holiday game titles.