VoIP Inc, a technology communications company, has filed a lawsuit against Google in New York Supreme Court accusing the search engine giant of stealing its trade secrets in online voice technology.

According to Reuters, the litigation arises from a contract made in 2005. The complaint says that VoIP’s subsidiary, VoiceOne Communications was the designated carrier of phone calls initiated on Google websites under the agreement.

However, Google terminated the contract with VoiceOne in 2007, citing the violation of a nondisclosure agreement.

In 2006, Google entered into a joint venture with eBay and Skype related to Internet call services.

VoiceOne says that the termination of the 2005 agreement was "a pretext" for Google to exploit VoiceOne’s confidential information, in its deal with eBay and Skype.

At present, VoIP Inc is in bankruptcy proceedings.