A consortium called Europage comprising six British radiopaging operators has formed to offer a pan-European paging service. Racal Vodapage, Digital Mobile, Air Call, Inter-City Paging and Millicom are the current members of the consortium and British Telecom’s signature is imminent. The Home Office has released a radio channel at 466MHz to be used by Europage and the service is expected to be launched by mid-1989, starting in London and the South-East. Cityruf and Alphapage networks operating on the same frequency are being established in Germany and France respectively and once international agreement is reached, subscribers will be able to be paged by any of the three operators. It is likely that Spain and Italy will also be included on the service at a future date. The move heralds a new spirit of international co-operation in mobile communications prior to the introduction of the pan-European digital cellular service in 1990, said John Peett, managing director of Racal Vodapage.