Vodafone has performed the first live trials of its high-content carrying LTE (long term evolution) broadcast at Borussia Mönchengladbach’s stadium in Germany.

The new 4G technology, also dubbed evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (eMBMS), was tested in collaboration with Ericsson, Qualcomm and Samsung Electronics.

Making use of Single Frequency Network technology, such as DVB-T, eMBMS allows smartphone users to stream high-quality TV channels even if a lot of devices are all using the service.

Vodafone Germany CTO Eric Kuisch said that there is growing demand for high quality video content on mobile devices and LTE Broadcast gives customers a brand new mobile media experience.

"This technology enables multiple broadcast sessions to be viewed simultaneously, so our customers will be able to watch Sky’s Premier League summary or exclusive video content from the stadium they’re in," Kuisch said.

Anticipated to be offered in more German stadiums, the new technology puts no additional load on the network, while users require only an LTE-enabled device with an LTE Broadcast app to access it.