Vodafone Ireland and Irish high speed network operator, Three Ireland have partnered to create a new 50/50 joint venture company to share their physical network and site infrastructure at approximately 2000 locations across the country.

The joint venture company will manage the rapid roll-out of a consolidated portfolio of shared network sites and infrastructure as well as responsible for maintenance, on-going operational service and associated equipment.

Under the partnership, the two companies can now purchase network infrastructure equipment together to reduce costs, increasing the number of sites connected to a fibre backhaul network and the opportunity to expand mobile network coverage for customers.

The new company will allow duplicate sites to be eliminated and give each company access to the other’s sites

Both the operators will however continue to run the ‘intelligent’ elements of the network separately, such as core network capabilities and service platforms. They will also manage their own radio equipment and spectrum independently.

The joint venture company is expected to be fully operational from the Autumn and will be headquartered in Dublin.

About 80 employees will transfer from Vodafone Ireland and Three Ireland to the new joint venture company after a consultation period.

Vodafone Ireland CEO Jeroen Hoencamp said securing future investment for technologies in a competitive market is critical to maintaining a sustainable business.

"We believe this partnership will place both companies in a stronger position to commit to future investment in our network, and the products and services we provide to customers,"Hoencamp said.

"This agreement, in which infrastructure is shared between both parties, means we can concentrate investment on the intelligent part of the network that will ultimately deliver a better experience for Vodafone customers."