VocalTec Communications, a provider of carrier-class multimedia and voice-over-IP services for communication service providers, has acquired substantially all of the assets of Outsmart, a provider of telecommunications convergence services.

The company said that the assets it acquired include Outsmart’s technology and intellectual property and its customer and partner contracts. The engagement by the company of certain Outsmart personnel is intended to enable the continued development and support and an uninterrupted transition to all Outsmart customers and partners.

According to VocalTec, Outsmart’s mobile VoIP and intelligent network products are a strategic addition to its existing portfolio of VoIP services. The combined portfolio positions the company as a provider of VoIP services and applications to both fixed line and mobile service providers.

Ido Gur, president and CEO of VocalTec, said: We are excited about this acquisition, which allows us to better address the requirements of mobile service providers and is aligned directly with our strategy. Mobile service providers are looking for innovative services that combine VoIP and IN based services so that they are better positioned, given the new competition they face from Skype and other cross-geography services.

“Acquiring Outsmart’s assets is a natural step forward that will enable VocalTec to better position itself in the mobile and converged Telecom market. We are committed to Outsmart’s technology and believe that the synergies between our respective solutions will enable us to expand our offering and better serve both Outsmart’s and VocalTec’s customers.”