Buffalo, New York-based Vocal Technologies Ltd has come out with a new family of routers, which are being targeted at the OEM market. The LAN’s End product line is said to include communications offerings for analogue dial-up lines and digital services such as Switch 56 and ISDN. According to the company, it can be configured to support multiple protocols including Ethernet, Token Ring, X25 and Frame Relay. It also incorporates a V.32bis/V.42bis modem to enable users to connect disparate host computers over analogue lines, using both the Serial Line Internet Protocol and Point-to-Point Protocol. Industry standards supported include IPX, Telenet and NCP for NetWare. OEM customers can order the product with either the LAN’s End name or with their own name inscribed on it, says Vocal; the company will also license individual technology components and protocol stacks for integration into its OEM customers’ products. The offering is available now at from $1,200 depending on configuration.