The Personal Computer Division of San Jose-based VLSI Technology Inc reckons that the world is ready for subnotebook computers delivering 80486 performance, and it has announced the QuadNote, a highly integrated two-chip set packaged in 176-pin thin quad flat packs. It says QuadNote integrates all major system and peripheral blocks required and was developed with Compaq Computer Corp, which uses the support chip set in its new Contura Aero 4/25 and 4/33C. The chip set comprises the VL82C410 system controller and the VL82C142 peripheral controller; there is also an optional 100-pin TQFP ExCA-compatible PCMCIA controller. Fabricated in 0.8-micron CMOS, the set interfaces with power-managed 80486SL devices at both 3.3V and 5V up to a maximum of 33MHz. Samples are available now, with volume promised for late next month, when the VL82C410 will be $30.00, the VL82C142, $21.00 and the VL82C146 will be $8.50 when you order 10,000 or more of the things.