Vitria Inc has inked a deal with PageMart Wireless to offer data transfer services between paging devices and corporate enterprise systems. Separately, the firm has signed a co-marketing deal with Sapient Corp. The key to the PageMart deal, according to Vitria, is that it has integrated business processes with the PageMart services. This means, for instance, that if a person needs to be reached to sign an important document, the software will page and then email them at regular intervals.

The wireless pager connects to the Vitria software via PageMart’s communication interface. The Vitria software translates the data and then pushes via a connector to the relevant application. Vitria claims to be able to connect to everything from SAP suites to ancient Cobol applications.

Rob Theis, executive vice president of EAI rival New Era of Networks, claims that Vitria has found itself a comfortable niche in telecoms integration business. Vitria is well positioned in the telcos space but could not get the traction in the general purpose market, he said. However, VP of marketing at Vitria, Alex Osadzinski, disputes this, saying that that the telecoms push is a, conscious strategy of really getting a leadership position in one market. Next year, he said, Vitria will be looking at moving into the supply chain and financial integration markets.