Vitria Technology Inc denies it is flailing around looking for the sweet spot in the market for its BusinessWare EAI enterprise application suite as competitors such as New Era of Networks Inc have suggested. We found the sweet spot in the market for BusinessWare a long time ago. It’s solving the medium to high complexity integration problems that our built-in process automation capabilities address, it says.

Neon’s observation follows news of the BlackJack release of Vitria’s software, designed to tie two simple applications together in 21 minutes, which are at the low end of the market. It says many of our customers like to start with small projects that address simple integration problems. These customers do not need process automation straight off the bat. But they do need a simple graphical environment that allows them to solve basic integration problems without programming with code or a rules engine. This is what we added for 2.2 [BlackJack]. It argues that simple problems gradually require more sophisticated solutions which is where process automation – and higher price point products come in. Basically, we’re providing a seamless upgrade path for customers that start with simple problems and then work their way up to medium and high complexity problems. Companies will quickly outgrow EAI vendor offerings that don’t provide built-in process automation, it said.