Visual Technology Inc, the Marlborough, Massachusetts company rescued from oblivion by Hambrecht & Quist Co, claims to be the first to offer a true X terminal at $1,000. The Visual X-14/ES Display Station is a small footprint, networked X graphic display terminal claimed to comply fully with the X11.4-X server specification just announced by the X Consortium. Based on a 12MHz 68000 with 1Mb to 4Mb, the X-14/ES has a 14 1,024 by 800 resolution landscape display and supports the X Window System, DECwindows, OSF/Motif, OpenWindows, Open Look, Open Desktop and Xview. It measures 12.5 by 12.5, supports thick and thin Ethernet and RS232/422/423 serial connections, TCP/IP, XDMCP, Telnet and ICMP. The price includes three-button optical mouse and keyboard; ships November.