Lawyers say that a buyer has been found for graphics visualisation software house, Uniras A/S, which went bankrupt a few weeks ago (CI No 2,237). An official announcement should be forthcoming in the next week or so. Houston, Texas-based Visual Numerics Inc confirmed it has been in talks with the Danish company, the other known contender is Waltham, Massachusetts and Advanced Visual Systems Inc – Virginia-based Template Software Inc is also in the same market area. The original aim was to sell Uniras’s entire assets as well as certain liabilities, but no details of the deal were available. Meanwhile, Visual Numerics rushed out the European release of its new Fortran graphics library for X Window programmers, X-Xponent to try and exploit the Uniras customer base. It is available now. However, the product was released in the US about a month ago for Sun Microsystems Inc and IBM Corp workstations and costs $3,500 for a floating development licence, $450 for a one-off run-time licence and $300 for volumes of 50.Meantime Visual Numerics, the off-spring of the marriage between IMSL Inc and Precision Visuals Inc – has launched Wave Widgets, a rapid protyping tool kit, for its visual data analysis software, PV-Wave. The software is designed to enable users to create graphical user interface front-ends to applications without programming experience. Available now, Wave Widgets runs on various Unix systems and costs UKP4,000.