Fledgling on-line television service provider ViewCall America Inc of Norcross, Georgia, was showing off a buffed-up user interface for its ON-TV service at the Comdex show last week, but played down its proprietary TV-HTML extensions to the standard Hypertext Mark-up Language. Initially, the company even denied that the product used anything but standard HTML. In Viewcall’s original plan, a key feature was the development of an open standard back in September. Two months ago ViewCall was promising a conference to open up TV-HTML through an industry consortium within 60 days. Now the party line has changed from open standard through consortium to open standard through industry consensus. ViewCall says Sega Enterprises Ltd plans to bundle its online service in the Sega NetLink product. Deals have recently been announced with Boca Research Inc, for its as-yet- unnamed consumer Internet device, and Motorola Inc, who will be including ViewCall in their Internet appliance reference design. The Web site is http://www.viewcall.com