Concurrent Computer Corp of Oceanport, New Jersey yesterday introduced its Maxion/IMS interactive multimedia server based on the Maxion multiprocessor R-series RISC-based system. It uses Concurrent’s own Ultrasmart technology that replaces the system bus by using a crosspoint switch, which provides six independent high speed ports that can connect to any other port. Each port is supported with a peak bacndwidth of 400Mb per second, amounting to a system bandwidth of 1.2Gb. This cuts out bus bottlenecks and the need for system drivers and transceivers, making the board space smaller and enabling it to conform to the Air Transportable Rack form factor industry standard. The company is in talks with suppliers to airlines to fit the system to commercial aeroplanes. It said the Maxion/IMS video server can deliver up to 100 video streams for around $1,000 per stream and will out in production quantities in the summer.