The Victor UK subsidiary of the Victor Datatronic Group has reduced the price, and upgraded, its 80386 microcomputer range: as from December 1, the V386A with its 50Mb fixed disk will cost UKP2,500, and can be enhanced by using 30Mb Add-Paks costing UKP400 each, while the V386S range will cost from UKP2,700 with a 50Mb fixed disk to UKP4,000 with 130Mb disk; higher capacity hard drives are promised later on. Replacing a number of stand-alone MS-DOS micros from Compaq, Apricot Computers Plc has supplied a VX networked computer system to the Falkland Islands’ Fisheries Department; the network comprises 600Mb of hard disk storage, used to support details of fishing activity stored in the department’s database, with an additional 300Mb of hard storage, supporting five Xen-i 386/45 MS-DOS micros running VX-Net software: 16 Xen-i 386/45s have also been installed in the Islands’ Treasury, Medical and Police departments to handle the increasing clerical requirements generated by the Islands’ current fish-engendered economic boom.