Veryant has launched an update to its isCOBOL Application Platform Suite (APS) for developing, deploying and modernising Cobol applications.
According to Veryant, the new isCOBOL APS features include support for larger file sizes more than nine billion gigabytes and up to a 50% performance boost from an enhanced 100% Java-based indexed sequential access method (ISAM) file system in isCOBOL Jisam; delivery of portable applications due to improved thin client performance through isCOBOL server.
Other features include zero-client, internet application Cobol deployments from JavaScript embedding capabilities and new controls in isCOBOL web direct 2.0; and compatibility with platforms such as Acucobol-GT and RM/Cobol.
The company claims that the new offering is 100% Java-based ISAM file system built on x/Open standards that runs on a range of systems from mainframes to mobile devices.
The isCOBOL Server thin client computing where valuable system and network resources are conserved. Thin client performance is improved on average up to 50%, especially for isCOBOL server applications distributed across TCP/IP connections, the company said.