Versant Object Technology Corp of Menlo Park, California, has turned to object-relational house UniSQL Corp, Austin, Texas, to provide SQL and Open Data Base Connectivity access to its object database. Versant has licensed UniSQL/M as Versant/M and added drivers developed jointly for the Versant open database management system. Versant/M enables users to build applications, create reports and generate queries from PowerBuilder, SQL Windows, Microsoft Access, Forest & Trees and other SQL/Open Data Base Connectivity-based tools that can access data stored in Versant. Because UniSQL/M supports a range of relational databases, Versant/M users can interrogate mixed Versant, Oracle, Sybase, Ingres, Informix, DB2 and UnixSQL/X databases. Versant/M is up under Unix and Windows; prices start from $1,500. NT and OS/2 releases follow in the first half of 1995. Versant has managed to side-step the full wrath of the relational crowd by positioning its object technology for use as network management technology, something the relational players are not traditionally hot on. Versant is trumpeting a ButlerBloor report that puts Versant top of the open database management system and hybrid crowd on performance. Version 4.0 of the Versant open database management system is being readied for the middle of the year. It also has a version ready for the ParcPlace Systems Inc VisualWorks Smalltalk development environment it markets as Argos through its Miramar Technology unit. Capitalised at $23.1m, Versant, with 80 employees, claims 8,000 installations, outlets in 15 countries and year-on-year revenue licence growth of 180%.