Under the program, Verizon Online has access to Commission Junction’s large network of affiliated Web publishers. It’s a matchmaking arrangement that benefits both sides, said Brian Price, group manager – partnership marketing for Verizon Online. Publishers who feel their audience would be interested in faster Internet speeds through DSL will apply to put Verizon Online’s DSL advertising on their Web site. If Verizon feels the site is a good match for our product, the publishers will pick a DSL banner ad or text link and run it on their site.

Publishers will be compensated only if their customers sign up for Verizon Online DSL by clicking on the Verizon banner ad on their site.

Working with Commission Junction is a good way for Verizon Online to zero in on our target audience Web users. Customers will appreciate the ability to do everything they’re doing faster. And ordering the service online couldn’t be any easier. It’s a beneficial arrangement for Verizon Online and the publishers, Price said.

Commission Junction gives Verizon Online access to popular Web sites with virtually immediate results. The relationship is different from typical banner advertising that compensates advertisers for the number of times a banner ad is viewed, not actual sales.

By paying only for advertising that results in a new sale, Verizon Online will lower customer acquisition costs while increasing its reach across the Internet. Commission Junction is a turnkey provider, doing the ad tracking, management and publishers’ payment for Verizon, said Lex Sisney, Commission Junction CEO. Rewarding publishers who deliver sales with a commission encourages the most profitable advertising relationship possible.