Verizon Enterprise Solutions is allowing customers to use Oracle Database and Oracle Fusions Middleware on its cloud on a pay-by-the-hour basis.

Through Verizon’s eCloud and Managed Hosting services, customers can leverage existing Oracle licenses, or purchase new licenses, to deploy on-premise, public, private and hybrid database services.

The ability to use Oracle software on a per-hour cost basis will benefit industries migrating from on-premises solutions to hybrid or cloud-based environments as they need only pay on an hourly basis to leverage existing assets and gain efficiencies rather than having to purchase perpetual licenses.

Oracle President Mark Hurd said: "Combining Verizon’s unique enterprise experience and capabilities with Oracle’s best in class cloud products will provide customers another easy and cost-effective choice for embracing the cloud."

"With Oracle, we’re helping enterprises transform their operations with the cloud," said John Stratton, president, Verizon Enterprise Solutions.

"Few companies begin with a complete cloud environment, and the benefits of migrating to the cloud have at times been outweighed by the challenges and costs associated with making a change. Oracle and Verizon have now removed those obstacles. Companies can use their existing Oracle licenses or pay as they go for Oracle’s software and gain the power of Verizon’s next-generation enterprise cloud."