Verio Inc has launched a web hosting service aimed at web sites that are too big to share resources in traditional shared-server hosting but not yet big enough to warrant dedicated servers for all their applications. The Englewood, Colorado-based company’s virtual private server (VPS) offering is aimed at those companies generating between six and eight gigabytes of traffic a month, which roughly translates to about 40,000 server hits a day. The number of page views depends on the number of hits that make up each page view, which varies greatly.

Dawn Wells, VPS product manager says that unlike shared-server hosting, where the software is spliced and shared between customers, users get separate versions of their web, email, FTP or database servers running on the same box.

It is not really suitable for sites that require large relational databases or gets masses of web traffic, but Verio has a migration program to take them to dedicated server plan and anyway, small-to-medium-sized web businesses are its core market. For this service, Verio will generally put the web, mail, FTP and SMTP servers on the same box. Available now, VPS costs from $150 a month for 200Mb of disk space for the standard version and $300 a month for the pro version, which offers 500Mb of space.