Ada software development tools specialist Verdix Corp represented in the UK by GEC Software – is set to offer real time, in-circuit emulation tools for the Motorola 68000 Ada language development environments. Applied Microsystems Corp is to provide Verdix with its Real-Link emulation interface for microprocessor development environments. Verdix is hard at work incorporating Real-Link into its VADS/68000 Cross Debugger, which can be hosted on Sun Microsystems Sun-3 Unix, or on DEC VAX/VMS or VAX/Ultrix environments, and the completed product is to be marketed as VADS/Real-Link by Verdix to provide solutions for Ada projects using Motorola 68000 family microprocessors. VADS/Real Link provides the user with the ability to debug Ada code using the Verdix full-featured Ada debugger coupled with an Applied Microsystems emulator. The product will be available for delivery in May 1988 but the Chantilly, Virginia company did not give prices.