Maspar Computer Corp, Sunnyvale, California builder of massively parallel systems in which Digital Equipment Corp is a small shareholder, although it has largely lost interest in the systems, has managed to convince its venture capital backers that it has enough of a future for them to come up with another $5m to help it to proceed with its new focused market strategy, which sees a market for its parallel machines in the decision support, bioinformatics, and high-end image and signal processing markets. Backers include Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers; Merrill, Pickard, Anderson & Eyre; Sequoia Capital; Mayfield Fund; and NFT Ventures, but it did not clarify which of these put their hands in their pockets when it passed the hat round this time. Maspar says it has significant new software products under development to address the rapidly growing data warehouse market, and hopes to announce its first commercial successes soon, adding our focus on marketing the Maspar system as an application-specific server targeted at high volume information extraction applications such as high-quality data compression for the emerging video compression market, as well as large bioinformatics databases, is starting to pay off.