Velocity Medical Solutions (VMS) has launched a new subscription service designed to provide adaptive radiation therapy to hospitals and radiation oncology centers with minimal up-front capital investment. Reportedly, with less than a $5,000 up-front investment, the subscription service provides a workstation computer and all software to equip radiation oncology departments with an imaging platform.

VMS has said that the Velocity-AI Advanced Imaging Solutions (VAIS) system provides visualization, fusion and metabolic assessment tools to better assist oncology professionals in the management of cancer patients in all stages of the treatment process. The adaptive radiation therapy platform provides dose tracking and automated re-planning tools that allow clinicians to compare dose planned to actual dose delivered throughout the treatment cycle.

The company has added that adaptive re-contouring saves significant time when re-planning is required due to anatomical changes throughout a patient’s treatment. Velocity-AI’s deformable fusion and automated atlas-based segmentation tools allow a more accurate incorporation of diagnostic imaging into the treatment planning process and provide significant time savings in the initial contouring process. These tools represent the latest developments in clinical advancements available to oncology professionals.

Richard diMonda, president of VMS, said: Hospitals across the country are struggling with financial pressures and very limited or frozen capital budgets for technologies that can enhance patient care such as the Velocity-AI(TM) system. We examined our approach and identified a number of ways to remove unnecessary costs, resulting in our ability to offer this new subscription service with a very minimal up-front capital investment.