Hungary is to get the first national cellular telephone network in any of the Comecon countries, and US West Inc, Denver, Colorado is to own and operate the network in a joint venture agreement with the Hungarian government. Construction of the network is to start in the second quarter of next year, with initial service to be offered in Budapest in the first quarter of 1991. The system will provide mobile cellular communications throughout Hungary, which has a population of 10.6m. US West will own 49% of the joint venture with Magyar Posta, the Hungarian Postal, Telegraph and Telecommuncations service. The project’s first phase will cost an estimated $10m. US West’s unregulated subsidiary, US West NewVector Group, whose shares are separately traded in the US, and its US West Cellular division, will provide the operational management for the project, including the design and marketing. Magyar Posta will provide interconnection services, and engineering and construction effort.