The US Semiconductor Industry Association reports that its monthly book-to-bill ratio for November improved to 1.13, compared with a revised 1.11 in October, the latter figure having been revised upwards from the 1.10 that was reported at the time. November orders in the US market on a three-month moving average were up 5.6% at $1,897.9m compared with the October figure, and 42.0% up on the figure compiled a year ago. November shipments based on the same three-month moving average rose 3.9% to $1,680.2m compared with the October figure, and were 26.6% up on the year-ago figure. Actual semiconductor shipments in the US market in November were $1,661.5m, up 7.5% on the October figure, and up 28.7% on the figure for November last year.