A collection of audio books, eBooks, music and video titles found can be downloaded to a computer and transferred to a portable device. Selected titles may be burned onto a CD.

According to Calcasieu Parish Public Library (CPPL) director Jeff Rippel, With this step, the virtual library becomes real. The user doesn’t have to leave house or office to go to the library. The library goes to the user.

CPPL purchased the service from OverDrive/Digital Library Reserve. Cardholders may check out three eBooks, audio books, music and videos on their own computer for 14 days.

Loretta Gharst, computing and collection services librarian, says that the new service will provide 24/7 access for patrons and enable the library its collection offerings without the space, handling, and damage issues normally associated with audio and video media.

Late fees are never accrued with the new downloads service. At the end of the loan period, titles will be automatically ‘returned’ to the library.