Minsk-based computer assembly company Summit Systems is to open new sales and production operations in Novosibirsk and Almaty. The firm says it also plans a near doubling of its current capacity at Minsk 2 Airport in the Republic of Belarus. US-owned Summit Systems now has a production capacity of about 10,000 personal computers per year. The venture was established by Chips & Technologies Inc in 1990 but during last year it was bought out by its management and is now owned by another Californian company, Techfarm Inc. The venture still has a strong links with Chips & Technologies. Summit personal computers still mainly use components supplied by the former parent company. The company about doubled its volume of sales in 1993 over 1992 and sees Central Asia and Siberia as two major growth markets. Though the company says that it has not unduly reduced competitiveness, Russia and Belarussian customs tariffs must be a major problem for the venture since 75% of its market is in Russia. Summit must pay Belarussian duty on its imports from the US (around 15%) plus a further 15% on imports into Russia from Belarus. This is likely to be an even greater problem when increases in the tariff duty payable on personal computers come into force in Russia.