According to figures released by the FCC the number of high speed lines, offering 200kbps in at least one direction, connecting homes and businesses to the internet grew 27% to 16.2 million in the first six months of 2002. In the previous period the number of lines grew 33% to 12.8 million.

Of the 16.2 million high speed lines, 14 million served homes or small businesses, up 27% from six months earlier.

Advanced services, which offer 200kbps or more in both directions, accounted for 10.4 million lines, up 41%. Around 8.7 million of these served homes or small business.

ADSL accounted for 5.1 million lines, up 29%, compared to a 47% increase in the preceding six months. Cable modem service lines were up 30% to 9.2 million lines. In the second half of 2001, the growth rate was 36%.

Source: Computerwire