US businesses spent $296.3bn on information and communication technology (ICT) equipment and computer software in 2008, an increase of 11% from 2007, according to a survey from US Census Bureau.

According to US Census Bureau, capitalised ICT spending (expenditures that are written off over time) rose by 17.7% to $204.8bn in 2008 from 2007. Purchases of ICT equipment rose by 20.5% to $133bn while purchases and payroll for developing software increased by 12.8% to $71.9bn.

The noncapitalised ICT spending (expenses that are written off in the same year as made) was $91.4bn in 2008, not statistically different from 2007. Purchases of ICT equipment rose by 10.4% to $18.3bn, while operating leases and rental payments accounted for $17.2bn and computer software expenditures accounted for $56bn, not statistically different from 2007.

The survey showed that spending on ICT equipment and computer software in 2008 increased in 10 of 19 sectors, no sectors decreased their spending from 2007 and nine sectors showed no statistical difference in spending.

US Census Bureau said that five sectors accounted for 74.2% of total ICT spending. Information sector spent $82.7bn for ICT equipment and computer software, an increase of 22% from 2007, finance and insurance sector spent $50.1bn, accounting for 16.9% of total ICT spending; and the manufacturing sector spent $35.8bn for ICT equipment and computer software in 2008, accounting for 12.1% of total ICT spending.

Spending in the professional, scientific and technical services totaled $27bn, while health care and social assistance spent $24.3bn on ICT equipment and computer software, an increase of 12.9% from 2007.

Valerie Strang, chief of business investment branch at Census Bureau, said: “The Information and Communication Technology Survey allows users to evaluate productivity and economic growth prospects, and conduct market analyses, economic forecasting, product development and business planning.

“Specifically, it shows which sectors are investing in information and communication technologies, giving businesses insight into where they may find new opportunities.”