Putting a gleam in some 400 companies’ eyes is the latest US defence contract from the US Army Small Computer Office for 20,000 multi-user 32-bit microcomputers supporting four to 16 users. As reported briefly, the Request for Proposals, issued last month (CI No 896), specifies that the systems must have a multi-user operating system that conforms to IEEE Posix P1003.1, has an ANSI C compiler, and is compliant with the AT&T System V Interface Definition base system. The machines will be used to run office automation and administrative applications, for use by the Army, Navy and Defense Logistics Agency. The Request covers a five-year indefinite number supply contract with an additional three years of maintenance support and guarantees a minimum order of 40 systems or a value of $2m. The Office hopes to be able to make an award in early 1989. The contract’s official title is the Small Multi-user Computer Contract Number DAEA26-87R-0007.