The two companies will be integrated into the GroupÕs existing interactive media business, Carat Interactive. Carat Interactive is one of the world’s largest interactive agencies, headquartered in Boston, USA.

The initial cash consideration for these acquisitions is approximately £1.85 million, of which £1.4 million relates to Lot 21 and £450,000 to Vizium. There is also deferred cash consideration, subject to challenging performance criteria, payable over a three year period.

The acquisition of Lot 21 and Vizium is consistent with Aegis’ strategy of investing in complementary emerging technologies to extend the range of services offered by Carat Interactive. Lot 21 specialises in the creation of integrated marketing solutions which help clients to develop more meaningful and profitable relationships with their customers in the digital space. Vizium applies cutting-edge technology to help clients acquire, retain and maximise the lifetime value of customer relationships.

Commenting on the acquisition Doug Flynn, CEO of Aegis, said:

We strongly believe that the importance of digital technology in the media market will continue to grow. The acquisition of these two companies will provide our clients, and those of Lot21 and Vizium, with access to a full service interactive media agency. Carat Interactive is one of the world’s leading agencies in a market that continues to grow rapidly and we are committed to maintaining its competitive advantage.