Teenagers in the US spend nine hours using media for their enjoyment while tweens falling under the 8 to 12 age group spend around six hours on different types of media.

A report by Common Sense Media highlighted that 58% of the teenagers said that they watched TV everyday and nearly 66% said that they listened to music.

While 45% of the teens use social media daily, only 36% said that they enjoyed the activity.

At least 50% said they watch TV (51%), use social networking or text (60%) and listen to music (76%) while doing homework.

Half of the teens surveyed believed that listening to music helps their work, while only 6% said the same hurts their productivity.

Common Sense Media CEO James Steyer said: "As a parent and educator, there’s clearly more work to be done around the issue of multi-tasking.

"Nearly two-thirds of teens today tell us they don’t think watching TV or texting while doing homework makes any difference to their ability to study and learn, even though there’s more and more research to the contrary."

While spending time on videos, teens mostly watch TV programmes at the time of their originally air, followed by time-delayed and DVDs or online video viewing.

Gender played a role in liking of the content, as it was found that teenage boys spent an average of 56 minutes a day on gaming, while girls spent only seven minutes. Girls spent more time on social media or reading than boys.