The US International Trade Commission issued a preliminary ruling that Microsoft has infringed on Motorola Mobility’s patents for its Xbox gaming systems.

The technology involved in the dispute inludes industry standard for video decoding, wireless communication between the Xbox and accessories, and two for Wi-Fi technology.

A judge from the Commission found that Xbox 360 infringes four of Motorola’s patents, and did not infringe upon a fifth Wi-Fi patent.

Motorola Mobility spokeswoman Becki Leonard was reported by Bloomberg as saying Microsoft continues to infringe Motorola Mobility’s patent portfolio, and we remain confident in our position.

The ruling is preliminary and the commission will issue a final ruling in August and could lead to the blocking of imports of Xbox game consoles into the US.

The ruling is also expected to result in settlement talks to avoid an Xbox import ban.

Microsoft said it would proceed with the case and expects that the commission will ultimately rule in the company’s favor.

Motorola filed the case against Microsoft after the software major charged Motorola for infringing its rights with handsets that run Google’s Android operating system.

Microsoft too could get stringent penalties in Germany over similar charges raised by Motorola.