URAC and CARF International have launched a new tool for case management professionals. The uSPEQ/URAC Participant Experience Survey for Case Management (uSPEQ-CM), will help evaluate and improve the quality of health care programs and services offered to consumers.

Developed by using uSPEQ, CARF’s data and reporting system, uSPEQ-CM is a confidential, anonymous, and scientifically-tested reporting system that gathers participants’ experiences with their case management program. In turn, providers can use the reported information to improve the quality of their programs and services, and monitor outcomes.

Alan Spielman, President and CEO, URAC, said: This innovative tool will provide organizations the information they need to ensure they are offering the best services to consumers. The tool also empowers consumers to play a role in their health care by giving them a way to give specific and direct feedback to case managers.