The formation of the UnixWare Technology Group was finally announced last week with the remit of advancing, promoting and guiding the evolution of UnixWare and related technologies (CI No 2,361). It won’t develop a product roadmap like Unix International Inc – Novell Inc will instead – but will focus on providing feedback to Novell’s Unix Systems Group. Founding members are Novell, AT&T Global Information Solutions (formerly NCR), Fujitsu Ltd, ICL Plc, NEC Corp, Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA, Sony Corp, Unisoft Ltd, and Unisys Corp, and two interim chief executives have been appointed until someone permanent is found – Unisys’s Helene Mathern, and AT&T’s Luke King. The non-profit-making organisation sees itself as a channel of communication between suppliers and Novell, and says its aim is to help drive the definition and evolution of UnixWare [in a structured manner] to ensure it meets end-user requirements. OEM customers, hardware vendors, systems integrators, and independent software vendors will submit product recommendations to UnixWare Technology Group – and Novell will then respond with its own plans for the product. The UnixWare Group will also undertake a range of technical and marketing programmes as well as providing members with early access to binary and source level code, and certification and branding schemes. Sponsor membership costs $35,000 per annum, and associate membership costs $5,000.