AT&T’s Unix Software Operation is likely to reveal the technology making up the multi-processing enhancements to Unix V.4 in New York around the beginning of July, according to industry sources. Although some vendors have been working on multi-processing Unix implementations for sometime, it was last April that Unix International’s workgroup on multi-processing revealed the contenders. Although the AT&T subsidiary says it has not chosen anybody yet – and no ink has been put on paper – it is understood that it is currently forging alliances with several of the contenders, and that the chosen technology will be a blend of what they have to offer. Nevertheless, this didn’t prevent front-runners from declaring themselves last week. At Comdex the Software Operation’s Computer Systems counterpart at AT&T revealed that Pyramid’s multi-processing software has been offered to the Software Operation, and Sequent Computer Systems has also been making noises about the inclusion of its Dynix multi-processing version of Unix in the choice. Other companies known to have been shortlisted include Silicon Graphics and NCR, together with the joint Intel-Olivetti-Unisys effort. Other contenders include Unisoft, and Carnegie-Mellon’s Mach. The extensions were promised as part of Unix International’s five year plan for System V.4 known as the Road Map, unveiled back in January. Although the extensions are not scheduled for general availability until mid-1992, early access programme members will be getting them somewhat earlier than that.