Part of Unix System Laboratories Inc’s push to make its Tuxedo transaction processing monitor a standard will begin to happen next month with the inauguration of the Tuxedo Club. Due to meet four times a year, the club will invite all 30 Tuxedo licensees to join even though only 17 are active. As well as a means of ensuring that interoperability and compatibility between different vendors’ Tuxedo-based products, Unix Labs wants the club to identify clearly these products by stamping them with the Tuxedo brand. At the moment, Unisys Corp’s Unix OLTP for example, is not visible as a Tuxedo implementation: we even used to charge companies to use the brand admits Unix Labs. Speculation that NCR Corp’s own transaction processing monitor Top End is likely to be squeezed out of the frame continues. Latest word has NCR being given time to re-position its strategy for interoperability and compatibility before a statement is released. NCR decided that it preferred Top End to Tuxedo – does this mean that AT&T Co is beginning to interfere at NCR?