UniversityVentures Inc has started work on what it claims will be the first technology transfer portal in the United States. The company says it has developed an extensive network of university relationships and business processes for attracting, analyzing and acquiring next-generation IT. The new site is a planned extension of UVI’s growth trajectory, explained CEO Garnet Heraman. Co-locating information with the universities will allow UVI to review large quantities of technology in a compressed timeframe, accelerating our ability to identify lucrative investment opportunities.

The site will include a mailing list, an industry calendar and chats with experts as well as a search engine. A Technology Listing Area will permit users to post information on the technologies they’re working on, giving potential investors a peek into the mysterious doings of academic researchers. As UVI adds new university partners, it hopes to see the depth of content and interaction increase. Just in case that doesn’t come to pass, the company has lined up Kaufman Patricof Enterprises, and Technology Access Report as content partners.